Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Kai got off the ventilator this morning. They are taking out some more lines now. He should be moving out of the PICU sometime today- yay, we get a door. He is more alert today, but still getting morphine for the pain. We will know a little more about his recovery plan once we get to the new unit. Thanks for checking on us, and talk to you soon-
Kate and Paul


  1. Thanks for helping us follow Kai's progress. I know you have your hands full, but we're watching and thinking of you with all our might and your blog is really helpful.

  2. Thrilled to hear the good news! Yay, Kai!

  3. Prayers and thoughts are coming *big time* from our little contingent in Fredericksburg. Get well soon, Kai!!

  4. Thanks for the updates. We're all thinking of you!
